Bonjour India

By bringing France’s most innovative and brilliant writers and thinkers to India’s largest literary platforms,
Bonjour India intends to turn the page in the history of Indo-French literary exchange and circulation of ideas.
Internationally acclaimed authors like Frédéric Beigbeder, Leila Slimani, new voices like Makenzy Orcel, James Noël, living classics like Antoine Volodine, Philippe Forrest, respected talents like Pia Petersen, Anne Cheng, Barbara Cassin: all of these and many more will contribute to a new dialogue between the French language and Indian thought.
A new scene of French creation and expertise will emerge in order to renew and increase the flow of translations of French contemporary fiction and non-fiction, to and from both the sides: from France and the Francophone world to India, and from India back to the Francophone world.
Samedi 25 novembre
16h -17h
Session: Pia Petersen in conversation with Urvashi Butalia